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International Workshop on Asia Literature and Culture Dissemination after World War II
Date: KAG01, UTAR, Sungai Long Campus
Venue: 28 April 2018
The International Workshop on Asia Literature and Culture Dissemination after World War II, was organized by the Centre for Chinese Studies UTAR. It aimed to promote the Asian literature and culture studies, also to encourage further cooperation with local and foreign research institutes.
On the day of event, the Dean of ICS, Dr Chong Siou Wei, gave his welcome speech and greeted the scholars and participants during the opening ceremony. Following by the group photo session, the workshop started.
There were totally 9 papers presented by scholars from the following universities: Nanjing University, China, Hong Kong University, National Tsing-hua University, Taiwan, National Taiwan University, Yokohama National University, University Malay and Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. Scholars from local and foreign universities shared their latest research outcomes and experience with the participants. The focus of interaction between Asian literature and dissemination from different regions were fully discussed.
A round table discussion was arranged as a final and conclusive session at the end of workshop. Hong Kong University and the National Tsing-hua University, Taiwan were being nominated as the organizer of the workshop in next year.
There were totally 37 scholars, staff, students and community members participated in the workshop. It can be regarded as a very successful workshop that involved participants from China, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia.

One of the researchers from Fo Guang University was conducting his presentation.
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International Conference on Chinese Culture, Literature and Oversea Chinese Society
Venue: A003, UTAR, Kampar Campus
Date: 13 August 2018
Collaborating with Fo Guang University (College of Humanities), this international conference received well response. Researchers and postgraduate students from Taiwan, China, Singapore and Malaysia were invited to present their papers at the conference, including renowned researchers such as Prof Dr Hsiao, Li-hua from Taiwan Fo Guang University, AP Dr Lo Yuet Keung from National University of Singapore, and AP Dr Camilla Lai from Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong. Some of the researchers were also invited to give comments on the papers presented by the postgraduate students.
Papers presented at the conference were categorized into 4 main topics, which included classic Chinese literature and culture, modern and contemporary Chinese literature and culture, overseas Chinese culture and literature, as well as Chinese Buddhist literature and culture. The presentations were divided into 6 sessions.
It should also be noted that a book launching session was held before the conference began. The book entitled 《背上冬阳——文史哲狮城演讲录》 was written by AP Dr Lo Yuet Keung and was published by UTAR Centre for Chinese Studies
One of the researchers from Fo Guang University was conducting his presentation.
Audience were listening to the presentations attentively.
A new book written by AP Dr Lo was launched at the beginning of the conference.
Researchers and postgraduate students took a group photo in front of the Heritage Hall.