Research & Development
Annual Report 2018
Awards & Events
Sharing research together for a better future through R&D Colloquium 2018 (2.0)
Aimed at strengthening the cross-disciplinary research centres, which is one of the initiatives devised under Focus Area 3: Research and Development of the UTAR 10-year Strategic Plan, the Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research (IPSR) staged another comeback with “R&D Colloquium 2018 (2.0)” on 24 November 2018 at Sungai Long Campus.
The main theme of the colloquium was ‘Knowledge for Society’. The R&D Colloquium served as a platform for the researchers to update their research outcomes. It also aimed to provide regular networking and promote cross-disciplinary research collaboration among all the researchers from 32 UTAR research centres.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, IPSR Director Assoc Prof Dr Yong Thian Khok emphasised on the importance of funding for research. “Funding is very important for research to take place. Without funding, it is impossible for our research to be done. Our theme this year is ‘Knowledge for Society’. I would like to urge all of you to move forward and find the means to go to the society and industry to look for funding. We need to change our mind-set of doing research and experiment and we need to start involving the industry,” said Dr Yong.

Dr Yong (middle), speakers, researchers and participants at R&D Colloquium 2018 (2.0)