Centre Name:

Centre for Chinese Studies Research


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wong Wun Bin

Description of Centre:


Chinese culture has its great breadth and depth in the wisdom and experience accumulated in China for thousands of years. Chinese studies that is established as an academic discipline as a result covers philosophy, history, language, literature, science, art and other related fields. In multiethnic Malaysia, Chinese studies for adaptation and survival takes on a significant aspect of research on the Chinese and their culture across ethnicities. With the globalisation and the rapid growth of China in its transition, Chinas current politics, economics, culture and education are also of research interest internationally. In the age of complexity and speed in change, the Centre for Chinese Studies was set up in Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman for members who would like to delve into traditional Chinese culture, the local Chinese, and contemporary China. Besides academic research, the centre assumes the roles of promoting Chinese culture and arts, infusing the local and the innovative, and engaging international exchange.

Research Area:

  • Chinese Malaysian and Culture
  • Modern Chinese Literature
  • Sinology
  • Contemporary China
  • Chinese Arts Research
  • Min-nan Culture

Activities in 2014

Summary of activities





8 January 2014

Title: The History of Regional Society: A Historical View As Methodology Taking The North China And Minnan Area As Examples / 区域社会史:作为方法论的一种历史观――以华北与闽南为例
Speaker: Dr. Song YenPeng
Venue: PH102, Petaling Jaya Campus, UTAR


15 & 22 February 2014, 15 & 22 March 2014

Title: Chinese Ink Painting series I, II, III and IV / 水墨画研习营(一)(二)(三) (四)
Ms. Poon Soon Yi 潘舜怡小姐
Venue: Block H, Perak Campus, UTAR


26 February 2014

Title: Knowing The Heritage of Chinese Cuisine / 穷食年代
Speaker: Mr. Lim Kim Cherng 林金城先生
Venue: P004, Perak Campus, UTAR


26 February 2014

Title: On the Genres and Literary Writing Techniques of Short Stories / 《缩龙成寸,花开为塔――微型小说的创作技艺》
Speaker: Dr. Sim Kim Soon 辛金顺博士
Venue: A009, Perak Campus, UTAR


26 February 2014

Title: "China and the Spreading of Overseas Chinese Culture" / 〈中国与海外华侨华人文化的传播〉
Speaker: Dr. Zhong-DaRong (China) 钟大荣博士
Venue: PH102, Petaling Jaya Campus, UTAR


8 March 2014

Title: Cantonese Opera / 粤剧体验
Trainer: Ms. Chai Yan Hiong 蔡艳香师傅
Venue: Block H, Perak Campus, UTAR


12 March 2014

Title: On the Composition of Chinese Drama / 《台前幕后――戏剧制作面面观》
Speaker: Mr. Goh 郭谨仁先生
Venue: IDK3, Perak Campus, UTAR


19 March 2014

Title: The Collected And Edited Of Hokkien Rhymes In Malaysia /La La Li La Tam Pong 在消音――闽南童谣与乡音文化的搜集
Speaker: Mr.Chong Keat Aun
Venue: P004, Perak Campus, UTAR


19 March 2014

Title: Towards the Arena of World Chinese Literature : On Medan's Chinese Literature / 《向世界华文文学出发:棉兰华文文学的兴起》
Speaker: Indonesia Writers -霖柏、阿理、陈巧音、苏淑英(印尼棉兰作家)
Venue: A003, Perak Campus, UTAR


26 March 2014

Title: Media and Chinese Culture /《媒体与华人文化》
Speaker: Mr. Ding Lee Leong 陈利良先生
Venue: A003, Perak Campus, UTAR


1 April 2014

Title: "Inheritance and Diaspora: Overseas Chinese and the Spreading of Chinese Culture" /〈传递与扩散:华侨华人与中华文化在海外的传播〉
Speaker: Prof. Li Qi-Rong (China) 李其荣教授
Venue: PH102, Petaling Jaya Campus, UTAR


2 April 2014

Title: On the Alternatives of Literary Writings/ 《写作的多种选择》
Speaker: Ms. Chen 程可欣女士
Venue: A003, Perak Campus, UTAR


30 April 2014

Title: The Kluang Mandarin as a local variation of Chinese Language / (居銮华语‖:来西亚一种特殊的华语社会变异个案分析)
Speaker: Dr. Khoo Kiak Wei 邱克威博士 (UPM)
Venue: PH102, Petaling Jaya Campus, UTAR


20 May 2014

International Seminar / Workshop
Title: Traditional, Local and Globalisation:
International Seminar and Historical Fieldwork on Chinese History / 传统、在地与全球化:中国历史国际学术工作坊与田野调查

Organiser: CCSR collaborative with Department of History, Hong Kong Shue Yan University

Presenter: (HKSY) Prof. Pau SL, Dr. Lo WS, Prof. Cheung WK, Dr. Au CK; (UTAR) Dr. Wong Wun Bin, Dr. Chin Chong Foh, Dr. Er Lee Siong, Ms. Tan Ai Boay

Members involved: Dr. Chong Siou Wei, Dr. Tee Boon Chuan, Dr. Pua Shiau Chen, Ms. Ng Bung Chen

Venue: PH102, Petaling Jaya Campus, UTAR


31 May 2014

Title: Workshop on Anthological and Biographical Study on Chinese Classical Poets in Malaysia, 1877 C 1957 /马来西亚古典诗人作品汇编及评介
Members involved: Dr. Wong Wun Bin, Dr. Lim Chee Mun, Mr. Mok Tuck Hou, Dr. Pua Shiau Chen
Venue: PH102, Petaling Jaya Campus, UTAR


4 June 2014

Title: Introduction to Tai Chi /中华文化讲座系列(五):太极拳简介
Speaker: Mr Lee Yu Jen 李祐任先生
Venue: P004, Perak Campus, UTAR


18-19 June 2014

Title: Seminar on Malay and Chinese Philosophy of Science
Organiser: Sinology Unit, CCSR; Pusat Dialog Peradaban (UM) & Akademi Sains Islam Malaysia (ASASI)
Venue: Bilik Mesyuarat Kiambang, Akademi Pengajian Melayu, UM


28 June 2014

Title: Chinese Calligraphy/ 水墨画 (一)
Trainer: 张凯彬先生
Venue: H108, Perak Campus, UTAR


5 July 2014

Title: Chinese Calligraphy/ 水墨画 (二)
Trainer: 张凯彬先生
Venue: H108, Perak Campus, UTAR


12 July 2014

Title: The Making of Dough Sculpting / 中华艺术文化研习营(七): 捏面人制作
Trainer: 王小凤女士
Venue: P004, Perak Campus, UTAR


16 July 2014

Title: Cultural Writing Vietnamese Envoys on the early Nineteenth Century / 自我/他者的相互关照:浅淡十九世纪初期越
Speaker: Ms. Ku Chai Yeun
Venue: P004, Perak Campus, UTAR


17-18 July 2014

International Conference
Title: 2014 International Conference on the Formation and Transformation of Post-War Malaysian, Taiwan and Hong Kong Literature /2014年"战后台湾、香港、马华文学场域的形成与变迁"国际学术研讨会

Organiser: Modern Chinese Literature Studies Unit,CCSR

Co-organiser: 1. National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan 2. Chinese University of Hong Kong

Participant organiser:

1. The Federation of Alumni Associations of Taiwan Universities, Malaysia
2. Persatuan Siswazah Jabatan Pengajian Tionghoa, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia (PEJATI)

Members Involved: Dr. Khor Boon Eng, Dr. Liau Ping Leng, Dr. Chou Wen LoongMs. Wong Lih Lih, Mr. Lee Soo Chee

Venue: A003, Perak Campus, UTAR


21 July 2014

Title: The Stories of Kapitan Li Wei Ching and His Families /甲必丹李为经与其家族事迹
Venue: PH102, Petaling Jaya, UTAR


30 July 2014

Title: Thanks Mother to bring me as an artist / 转动青春,弘扬孝道——妈妈,谢谢你!让我长成一棵艺术大树
Speaker: Mr. Ma Jin Quan 马金泉先生
Members Involved: Dr. Chong Siou Wei, Dr. Wong Wun Bin, Mr. Toh Teong Chuan, Ms. Yap Siew Chin
Venue: Heritage Hall (A001), Perak Campus, UTAR


2 August 2014

Title: Chinese Calligraphy / 水墨画 (三)
Trainer: 张凯彬先生
Venue: H108, Perak Campus, UTAR


5 August 2014

Title: Seminar on Fieldwork Study in Chinese Community by Dr Chen Chong Yuan (Taiwan)
Speaker: Dr. Chen Chong Yuan (Taiwan)
Members Involved: Ms. Tan Ai Boay
Venue: NF023, Perak Campus, UTAR


5 August 2014

Title: Fieldwork Study on Hakka Communities in Taiwan and Chinese Society in Malaysia / 台湾客家与华人社区田野考察案例
Speaker: Dr. Lieh Shih Lo (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) and Dr. Chen Chong Yuan (National Chen Chi University, Taiwan)
Members Involved: Dr. Wong Wun Bin, Ms. Tan Ai Boay
Venue: NF023, Perak Campus, UTAR


7 August 2014

Fieldwork and Seminar
Title: Overview on San Shan Guowang Belief in Taiwan/ 台湾三山国王信仰纵观
Speaker: Dr. Lieh Shih Lo (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Members Involved: Dr. Wong Wun Bin, Ms. Chiok Phaik Furn
Venue: San Shan Guowang Temple of Malim Mawar


8 August 2014

Title: Theories and Methodology of Anthropology Approach / 人类学理论与方法论 Speaker: Dr. Lieh Shih Lo (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Member involved: Dr. Chin Chong Foh, Dr. Chong Siou Wei, Dr. Wong Wun Bin, Dr. Liau Ping Leng, Ms. Ng Bung Chen, Dr. Pua Shiau Chen
Venue: PH102, Petaling Jaya Campus, UTAR


8 August 2014

Title: Overview of the Current Malaysian Chinese Education and Research Trend
Speaker: Dr. Chen Chong Yuan (Taiwan)
Venue: P005, Perak Campus, UTAR


9 August 2014

Title: Han Fu Culture Workshop / 汉服文化研习营
Trainer: Mr. Chang Yong Tian 郑永田先生
Members Involved: Ms. Yap Siew Chin
Venue: H215/H216, Perak Campus, UTAR


13 August 2014

Title: Theories of Ethnic: A Case Study on Hakka Ethnic in Taiwan / 族群理论:以台湾客家为案例
Speaker: Dr Chao-ChingKo (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Members Involved: Dr. Lim Chee Men, Dr. Wong Wun Bin, Mr. Mok Tuck Hau, Dr. Tan Beng Piou, Ms. Yap Siew Chin, Ms. Ling Liong Ngo
Venue: A003, Perak Campus, UTAR


13 August 2014

Title: Presentation on Research
Project: A study of Female Chinese Writers in Cross Cultural Context / 跨文化语境华文女作家研究计划成果发表会
Members Involved: Dr. Khor Boon Eng, Ms. Wong Lih Lih, Dr. Chou Wen Loong, Ms. Ling Liong Ngo, Dr. Er Lee Siong, Mr. Lee Soo Chee, Ms. Yap Yuet Ngor
Venue: P005, Perak Campus, UTAR


14 August 2014

Title: Ethnic Relation: A Case Study on Hakka Ethnic in Taiwan / 族群关系:台湾客家为案例
Speaker: Dr Chao-ChingKo (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Members Involved: Mr. Toh Tong Chuan
Venue: Ka Yin Association Penang


18 August 2014

Title: From Technical Innovation to Social Innovation - Friendly Taipei Restaurant App and Act in Taiwan / 从科技创新到社会创新:台湾的友善台北好餐厅行动
Speaker: Dr Chong-Wey Lin (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Member involved: Dr. Wong Wun Bin, Dr. Tan Beng Piou
Venue: NF023, Perak Campus, UTAR


20 August 2014

Title: Applying Library Archive to Regional Touristic Service - A Case Study on Hakka Xinpu Township Taiwan / 应用数字典藏发展区域观光创新服务:以台湾客家新埔小镇为例
Speaker: Dr Chong-Wey Lin (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) Member involved: Dr. Wong Wun Bin, Mr. Th'ng Bee Fu
Venue: Library, Perak Campus, UTAR


20 August 2014

Title: Talk on Ho Nai Kian's Literary / 《从百喻经到陈瑞献寓言——浅谈寓言写作》
Speaker: Mr. Ho Nai Kian 何乃健先生
Venue: NF023, Perak Campus, UTAR


22 August 2014

Title: The Study of History and Arts of Chinese Epigraphical Materials - Case Studies in Northern and Middle part of Peninsular Malaysia / 大马华文铭刻历史与艺术
Speaker: Dr. Song Yong Peng 宋燕鹏博士
Members Involved: Ms. Tan Ai Boay, Mr. Toh Teong Chuan, Mr. Mok Tuck Hau, Ms. Yap Siew Chin
Venue: P106, Perak Campus, UTAR


22-23 August 2014

Title: International Seminar on the 40th Anniversary of Malaysia-China Diplomatic Relations 飞跃四十:马来西亚中国建交四十周年研讨会
Members Involved: Dr. Wong Wun Bin, Dr. Wu Ming Chu, Dr. Pua Shiau Chen, Mr. Lee Soo Chee
Venue: Armada Hotel, Petaling Jaya


26 August 2014

Title: Research methodology: Sampling and questionnair e/ 调查研究法:抽样与问卷设计
Speaker: AP Dr. Pan Mei-ling (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Members Involved: Dr. Tee Boon Chuan, Dr. Chong Siou Wei, Dr. Chin Chong Foh, Dr. Wu Ming Chu
Venue: PH102, Petaling Jaya Campus, UTAR


28 August 2014

Title: National Policy and Property of Hakka Ethnic in Taiwan / 国家政策与台湾客家族群产业
Speaker: AP Dr. Pan Mei-ling (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Members Involved: Dr. Wong Wun Bin, Dr. Lee Mah Ngee.
Venue: Ka Yin Association Perak, Ipoh


29 August 2014

Title: Fieldwork and Interaction on Hakka Community in Ipoh / 怡保客家社区交流与考察
Speaker: AP Dr. Pan Mei-ling (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Members Involved: Dr. Wong Wun Bin
Venue: Ipoh: Min Tet school/ Han Chin Club/ Perak Chinese Mining Association/ Paloh Old Temple/ Perak Hakka Association


13 September 2014

Interaction with Buddha's Light International Association, Malaysia /国际佛光山会马来西亚协会交流会
Guest: AP Dr. Lim Tuck Meng, Ms. Hew Siew Hua
Members Involved:
Dr. Wong Wun Bin, Dr. Lim Chee Men, Dr. Tan Beng Piou, Mr. Toh Teong Chuan
LDK3, Perak Campus, UTAR


29 October 2014

Literary Talk
Title: Xu Chi Qins Modern Prose Writings
Speaker: Xu Chi Qin, Dr. Er Lee Shiong, Ms. Zhang Hui Qin
Venue: A003, Perak Campus, UTAR


29 October 2014

Literary Talk
Title: Hong Kong Writer Dong Ruis Literary Works
Speaker: Dong Rui
Venue: A003, Perak Campus, UTAR


29-31 October 2014

International Seminar/ Interaction
Title: The View of Point of Malaysian Chinese to China: Malaysia-Hong Kong Seminar and Workshop / 马华看中国:马港学术讲座及工作坊
Organiser: CCSR, UTAR, with collaboration of Department of History and Chinese Studies Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Seminar Presenter: Prof. Lim Chooi Kwa, Dr. Wong Wun Bin, Dr. Chong Siou Wei
Interaction: Members: (HKSY) Mr. Leong KW, Prof. Paau SL, Dr. Lo WS, Dr. Au CK, Prof. Mok; (UTAR) Dr. Chong SW, Dr. Wong WB, Prof. Lim CK
Venue: Department of History and Chinese Studies Hong Kong Shue Yan University


5 November 2014

Academic Talk
Title: Regional Economic Integration in Asia Pacific and the Response from China / 《亚太区域经济一体化态势和中国的响应》
Speaker: Prof. Lu Jianren, Chief Research Fellow, CHINA-ASEAN Research Institute of Guangxi University, China (陆建人教授,广西大学中国-东盟研究院首席研究员)
Venue: PH102, Petaling Jaya Campus, UTAR


8 November 2014

Title: Chinese Carving / 篆刻营
Trainer: Mr. Lee Chee Keong 李志强先生
Venue: H219, Perak Campus, UTAR


22 November 2014

Title: The Art of Go /围棋艺术营
Trainer: Mr. Sim Boon Jog 沈汶宙先生
Venue: H120, Perak Campus, UTAR


30 November 2014

Title: Interaction of Chinese Association and Academic Research / 砂拉越泗里街广惠肇公会
Organiser: Guang Hui Zhao Association of Serikie, Sarawak fzX
Speaker: Mr. Li Gaojian and Dr. Wong Wun Bin
Postgraduate Students Involved: Eng Lee Choo, Low Suet Leng, Chen Hui Cheng, Tang Mei Heong
Venue: Meeting Room of Guang Hui Zhao Associate Serikie


1 December 2014

Academic Talk
Title: Traditional Religion and Chinese Cultural Soft Power / 《传统宗教与中华文化软实力》
Speaker: Prof. Zhang Yudong, Dean, Institute of Overseas Chinese, Huaqiao University, China (张禹东教授,中国华侨大学华侨华人研究院院长)
Venue: PH102, Petaling Jaya Campus, UTAR


3 December 2014

Academic Forum
Title: Forum of Overseas Chinese Studies: The Developments of Overseas Chinese Society / 海外华人研究论坛:中国海外华人发展环境与现状
Speaker: Prof. Luo Keren, Dr. Xie Tingting, Dr. Ma ChangJie from Huaqiao University 骆克任教授, 谢婷婷博士, 马占杰博士(华侨大学)
Venue: PH102, Petaling Jaya Campus, UTAR

2014 Academic Talk Series from National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan
2014 年台湾交通大学访问学者学术演讲系列

Centre for Chinese Studies (CCSR) invited four visiting professors from National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) to present academic talk in UTAR in August 2014. The details of the visiting professors and pictures taken during the academic talk are as follows:

Visiting academics research on Hakka community

Assoc Prof Dr Wong Wun Bin led a delegation comprising two visiting academics and two research assistants to Ipoh from 28 to 29 August 2014 to conduct research on the Hakka community.

The visiting academics were Assoc Prof Dr Pan Mei Lin from the Department of Humanities and Social Science of National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan and Dr Zhong Darong from Huaqiao University Institute of Overseas Chinese.

The two-day field trip saw the delegates visiting the Perak Ka Yin Association on the first day where they were cordially received by representatives of the Hakka association and introduced to the history of the decade-old association and were shown several historical items.

Other age-old places visited by the delegates on the following day included SJK (C ) Min Tet Ipoh which was started by the Perak Kah Yin Association in 1912, \Han Chin Pet Soo., a former Hakka tin minerse clubhouse built in 1893, the 79-year-old Perak Chinese Mining Association, the century-old Paloh Koo Miu Temple built by Hakka leaders Leong Fee and Yau Tet Shin, and the Perak Hakka Association founded in 1941, where fruitful discussions were held to spark potential collaboration on research and projects about the Hakka community in Ipoh.

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