By end of 2016, a total of 25 Master's and 10 PhD programmes were offered. Tables 1 & 2 below illustrate the number of Master's and PhD programmes offered by UTAR as of 31 December 2016, ranging from language, communication, business and finance, management, social science, information and communication technology, mathematics, science and engineering with 760 registered students, consisting of 543 Master's and 212 PhD students
With an established reputation of offering quality yet affordable postgraduate programmes, UTAR experienced steady enrolment of students into various postgraduate programmes since the initial enrolment of 102 students in January 2006 intake into 5 Master's programmes. As of 31 December 2016, UTAR recorded a total cumulative enrolment of 1870 postgraduate students. Figures 3 and 4 provide comparative analysis on the enrolments from 2006
- 2016.

Figure 3 – Analysis of Enrolment of Postgraduate Students in 2006 - 2016

Figure 4 – Analysis of Enrolment According to Mode of Study in 2006 – 2016
As of 31 December 2016,
614 postgraduate students had graduated from various Master's and PhD programmes. Table 3 and Figure 5 provide the numbers and a comparison of students graduated from various postgraduate programmes.
To ensure quality of graduates from UTAR postgraduate programmes, as well as to benchmark the research work of its postgraduate students against international standards, UTAR has made it a policy that the external examiners for the examination of thesis/ dissertations of candidates in postgraduate programmes by research and postgraduate programmes by mixed mode must be appointed from among distinguished academics or researchers from overseas with recent publications in international refereed journals. Figures 6 and 7 illustrate the external examiners appointed for thesis and dissertation examination in year 2016.