Centre for Chinese Studies Research
No. |
Date |
Event |
1 |
22 January 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
The Similarities between Chinese
Calligraphy and Paintings 中国书法和绘画之共性 Speaker:
Prof. Zhao Lixin
A003, UTAR, Kampar Campus |
2 |
18 March 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
Seminar of Fieldwork on Chin Hoon
Teng, Malacca
马来西亚华人历史重构:以马六甲青云亭为考察案例 Speaker:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wong Wun Bin
PF067, UTAR, Kampar Campus
3 |
23 March 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
2016 Literary Talk
文学窗口与写作桥梁 Speaker:
Ms. Li Yi Jun
P005, UTAR, Kampar Campus
4 |
6 April 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
Seminar on Data and History Studies
档案与历史研究 Speaker:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chong Siou Wei
PF067, UTAR, Kampar Campus
5 |
6 April 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
Malaysian Chinese Youth and
Associations: Role in Transitional Justice and Civil Society
华团·华青:转型正义与公民社会 Speaker:
Mr. Lee Wai Hong
P006, UTAR, Kampar Campus
6 |
9 April 2016 |
Workshop Title:
Chinese Seal Carving Workshop
篆刻工作坊 Conductor:
Dr. Ooi Bee Peng
A009, UTAR, Kampar Campus
7 |
19 April 2016 |
Study Tour Title:
A Fieldwork Study Tour on Spring
Festival of Kampar Tseng Lung Association
金宝增龙会馆春祭考察 Advisors:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wong Wun Bin and Mr. Toh Teong Chuan
Kampar Tseng Lung Association
8 |
11 June 2016 |
Seminar Title:
International Seminar on Dr. Sun Yat
Sen and Nanyang Chinese
孙中山与南洋华人国际学术研讨会 Speakers:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chong Siou Wei, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tee Boon
Chuan, Asst. Prof. Dr. Tan Ai Boay, Asst. Prof. Dr. Pua
Shiau Chen and other oversea scholars
KB105, UTAR, Sungai Long Campus
9 |
11 June 2016 |
Study Tour Title:
Fieldwork Study on Tin Mining Museum
and WWII Trench in Kampar
锡矿博物馆及金宝二战战壕考察 Conductors:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wong Wun Bin and Mr. Toh Teong Chuan
Tin Mining Museum and WWII Trench
10 |
21 June 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
Talk on Ethical Living & Therapy in
Modern Society 现代人的生命伦理与意义治疗 Speaker:
Prof. Dr. Cheng Chih Ming
KB004, UTAR, Sungai Long Campus |
11 |
13 July 2016 |
Workshop Title:
Chinese Calligraphy Wood Carving
Workshop 书法木刻研习营 Trainer:
Asst. Prof. Dr. Lim Chee Men
P004, UTAR, Kampar Campus |
12 |
29 July 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
History of New Town and Old Town in
Kampar 金宝新旧街场的历史 Speaker:
Tan Sri Dato’ Hew See Tong
NF023, UTAR, Kampar Campus
13 |
17 August 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
Malaysia Art History
马来西亚美术史 Speaker:
Dr. Paul Boey Teik Soon
P004, UTAR, Kampar Campus
14 |
17 August 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
Chinese Immigrants and History of the
Tin Mining Industry in Malaysia
华人移民与锡矿业历史 Speaker:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wong Wun Bin
Kinta Tin Mining (Gravel Pump) Museum
15 |
23 August 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
Listening - The Methodology in
Anthropology 田野里的听——人类学的研究方法 Speaker:
Prof. Chien, Mei-Ling
N001, UTAR, Kampar Campus
16 |
26 August 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
Purple Cane Tea House, Tea Culture
and Business 紫藤、茶文化及文化创业 Speaker:
Mr. Lim Hock Nam
P007, UTAR, Kampar Campus
17 |
1 September 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
The Exercise on Fictional Writings
小说练习:跳格子和不完整 Speaker:
Ms. Ho Sock Fong
P004, UTAR, Kampar Campus
18 |
1 October 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
Perak Tin Miner: Lee Kwee Foh
马来亚独立前霹雳州锡矿家——李桂和 Speaker:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wong Wun Bin
Kinta Tin Mining (Gravel Pump) Museum
19 |
19 October 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
The Breath of Poetry: On the Forms and Rectories of Writing
Poems 诗呼吸:略谈诗的形式与修辞 Speaker:
Mr. Xin Yi Wang
A271K, UTAR, Kampar Campus
20 |
9 November 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
Creative and Travel
光影中的文学意境:发现旅行·发现美 Speaker:
Mr. Vancelee Teng
P002, UTAR, Kampar Campus
21 |
23 November 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
Romance of The Three Kingdoms and The
Cult of Guangong 《三国演义》与关公信仰 Speaker:
Ms. Mao Rui
P007, UTAR, Kampar Campus |
22 |
23 November 2016 |
Seminar/Talk Title:
Youth and Wealth Creation青年与财富创造 Speaker:
Ven. Bhikkhu Vupasama
IDK8, UTAR, Kampar Campus |