Centre for Communication Systems
and Networks
1 | 14 May 2016 | IEM One Day Course |
2 | 27 May 2016 | IEEE VTS
Distinguished Lecture - Advanced Air Interface for 5G:
Enabling Technologies, Cost-Effective Operation and
Convergence with Vertical Industries![]() The recent widespread use of smart
devices, wireless Internet and cloud based mobile
applications has led to the exponential growth of the mobile
data traffic. The anticipated continuation of this trend and
the growing unconventional use of wireless infrastructure
for machine-to-machine communications (M2M) and
Internet-of-Things (IoT) have become the main driving forces
of the current intensive research and standardization
activities on the fifth-generation (5G) wireless networks.
The focus of this lecture is to analyze
the main technical challenges of 5G, identify the essential
key enabling technologies for efficient and cost-effective
5G communications, and present the emerging R&D
opportunities. This lecture aims to share technical insight
on the key enabling technologies of 5G and vertical
industries to be supported by 5G. The following aspects will covered in
this lecture: o
Highly spectral and energy efficient
air-interface. In achieving the anticipated 1,000 times of
capacity increase, highly efficient air interface is
essential for 5G in enabling the new spatial transmission
schemes with extremely high utilization rates of distributed
radio resources. 3-D transmission techniques in frequency,
time and space domain will be presented in fully utilizing
the highly distributed and varying nature of 5G radio
resources. o
Highly cost-effective network deployment,
operation and management. The success of efficiently
operating complex 5G infrastructure in a dynamic environment
lies in intelligent network adaptation with a high level of
situation-awareness. Due to the varying load conditions, the
network does not always need all of the available resources.
Enabling technologies for highly efficient and
cost-effective 5G communications, including massive MIMO,
NOMA, and SDN enabled spectrum and energy management in
heterogeneous networks will be presented. o
Highly open networking architecture for
inter-operability and backward compatibility. Cost-effective
deployment and operation of 5G infrastructure will be
discussed to support the related ICT applications and
ecosystem to be created by 5G. Speaker:
Dr. Xianbin Wang (S'98-M'99-SM'06) is a Professor and
Canada Research Chair at Western University, Canada. He
received his Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer
engineering from National University of Singapore in 2001. Prior to joining Western, he was with
Communications Research Centre Canada (CRC) as a Research
Scientist/Senior Research Scientist between July 2002 and
Dec. 2007. From Jan. 2001 to July 2002, he was a system
designer at STMicroelectronics, where he was responsible for
system design for DSL and Gigabit Ethernet chipsets.
His current research interests include 5G networks,
adaptive wireless systems, communications security, and
locationing technologies. Dr. Wang has over 250
peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, in addition to
24 granted and pending patents and several standard
contributions. Dr. Wang is a Fellow of IEEE and an
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer. He has received many awards and
recognition, including Canada Research Chair, CRC
President's Excellence Award, Canadian Federal Government
Public Service Award, Ontario Early Researcher Award and
three IEEE Best Paper Awards. He currently serves as an
Editor/Associate Editor for IEEE Wireless Communications
Letters, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology and IEEE
Transactions on Broadcasting. He was also an editor for IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications between 2007 and
2011. Dr. Wang was involved in a number of IEEE conferences
including GLOBECOM, ICC, VTC, PIMRC, WCNC and CWIT, in
different roles such as symposium chair, tutorial
instructor, track chair, session chair and TPC chair. Dr.
Wang was also invited recently to give speeches at IEEE 5G
Standardization Meeting and 5G Summit. Main Sponsors and Organisers: 1. IEEE 2. IEEE Communications Society,
Malaysia 3. IEEE Vehicular Technology Society,
Malaysia 4. UTAR ![]() |
3 | 16 June 2016 | Seminar - How to Design a Filter or
other RF devices from Scratch![]() Speaker: Dr. Wong Peng Wen,
Consultant for FilPal Pte Ltd Description: Dr. Wong is sharing
his industrial experiences on how to design microwave filters
using the FilPal software. Organisers: 1. Eila Speaker: Dr. Wong Peng Wen, Consultant for FilPal Pte Ltd Description: Dr. Wong is sharing his industrial experiences on how to design microwave filters using the FilPal software. Organisers: 1. Eila Service and Support 2. UTAR
Service and Support ![]() |
4 | 17 August 2016 | Seminar - An Introduction to Radio
Astronomy with an emphasis on Indian original contributions![]() In this talk, we will trace the discovery
of the Milky way Galaxy by Karl Jansky using the radio waves
and how the subject has now grown tremendously over the past 60
years along with growth in technology to produce many Nobel
Prize winning discoveries. India has contributed very
significantly to radio astronomy by way of building
indigenously two very major radio telescopes, one of which is
now used by scientists from more than 50 countries in the
world. Some of the interesting astronomy highlights will be
described. ![]() |