Postgraduate Studies Report
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) aspires to be a global university of educational excellence with transformative societal impact. In an effort to realize this vision, UTAR strives to attain the following goals among the many it sets forth:
- Conduct major research programmes, which broaden the horizons of knowledge and seek answers to problems of importance;
- Maintain strong postgraduate programmes, which encourage intellectual, research and personal development of postgraduate studies;
- Expand the expertise, services and resources offered by UTAR through the development of cooperative educational programmes with other institutions and professions and other local, state, federal and international agencies;
- Inculcate among the faculty and the academic community a culture of commitment to effective dissemination of knowledge and vigorous scholastic research activities with publication of high international standards.
- Serves as a central body for coordinating all postgraduate programmes offered by the Faculties in order to facilitate the administration of the programmes which includes admission, student & academic records, examination and postgraduate activities;
- Facilitates research services, managing of research projects, planning and monitoring of research budget, assisting in sourcing of research funding, facilitating consultancy services, establishing academic and industry links and facilitating the establishment of Centres of Excellence in strategic research areas.

View Master Programme Offered in UTAR
View PhD Programme Offered in UTAR
By end of 2017, a total of 27 Master’s and 11 PhD programmes were offered. Tables 1 & 2 below illustrate the number of Master’s and PhD programmes offered by UTAR as of 31 December 2017, ranging from Chinese studies, communication, business and finance, management, social science, information and communication technology, mathematics, science and engineering with 826 registered students, consisting of 566 Master’s and 260 PhD students.
With an established reputation of offering quality yet affordable postgraduate programmes, UTAR experienced steady enrolment of students into various postgraduate programmes since the initial enrolment of 102 students in January 2006 intake into 5 Master’s programmes. As of 31 December 2017, UTAR recorded a total cumulative enrolment of 2,160 postgraduate students. Figures 3 and 4 provide comparative analysis on the enrolments from 2006 – 2017.
As of 31 December 2017, 766 postgraduate students had graduated from various Master’s and PhD programmes. Table 3 and Figure 5 provide the numbers and a comparison of students graduated from various postgraduate programmes.
To ensure quality of graduates from UTAR postgraduate programmes, as well as to benchmark the research work of its postgraduate students against international standards, UTAR has made it a policy that the external examiners for the examination of thesis/ dissertations of candidates in postgraduate programmes by research and postgraduate programmes by mixed mode must be appointed from among distinguished academics or researchers from overseas with recent publications in international refereed journals. Figures 6 illustrate the external examiners appointed for thesis and dissertation examination in year 2017.