Centre for VLSI Design (CVLSI)

Activities Report

Research Examples for Cortex-M0/M3

Phillip Burr, Senior product marketing manager, CPU group, affiliation ARM, talk at the ARM research summit session topic: ARM IP; introduce changes ARM are making to DesignStart to make it even easier for academics to access Arm IP.  As part of this, he gives some examples of where a Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M3 have been used by academia in their research. Real examples will help show that ARM has been enabling access to IP for some time, that academia have been benefiting. UTAR CVLSIR has given permission to mention the RUMPS401 project in the ARM Research Summit - Computing for the Connected World, held on 11-13 September 2017 in Robinson College, Cambridge, UK.
The slide below illustrates our case of Cortex-M0/M3 used by academia in research, an user application link to ‘ARM University Program’s help’.