Date: 10 - 13th January 2017
Venue: UTAR Kampar, Malaysia
This summary captures a four-day program of presentations, panel discussions and interactive dialogue at the 2nd International Symposium on Green & Sustainable Technology 2017 (ISGST2017) organized by Centre of Environment and Green Technology (CEGT), which took place from 10-13 Jan 2017 in FEGT, UTAR, Kampar. The event brought together 42 expert speakers in the field of Sustainable Environment and Green Technology from Malaysia and other countries including USA, Germany, Taiwan, Australia and Japan. The conference addressed and discussed the hot topics related to renewable energy, green materials, wastewater treatment, environmental assessment and biomass conversion. It provided a valuable networking opportunity and set the stage for further cooperation among researchers from various institutions and industries. The conference began with a Welcome Address by Prof. Ir. Dr. Ong Kok Seng, Organizing Chairperson followed by Opening Remark by Prof. Ir. Dr. Lee Sze Wei, Vice President R&D and commercialization. Four Keynote Lectures were presented Prof. Ahmad Zuhairi from USM, Prof. Yusuke Uchiyama from Kobe University, Prof. Nasir Shafiq from UTP and Pro. Chii-Dong Ho from Tamkang University. In the 3 day intense discussion, 42 Papers were presented. A Post Conference Forum was held at the end of ISGST2017. Researchers from various institutions presented their research interests and highlighted some potential collaboration amongst the participants. The group discussion established potential multidisciplinary and multi-institution research funding areas.
Sponsors for the Conference included HOPPECKE Asia Pacific, ONE GOODEARTH Sdn. Bhd., IMechE Malaysia Branch, Top Glove Foundation. It was also supported by CREST, UTP, IEM, and Iranian Association of Chemical Engineers. In addition, exhibitors from Perkin Elmer, STREAM, CREST and CMK enriched the discussion of the scope of the conference.
Presented Papers had undergone reviewing process and accepted papers are confirmed for publication in AIP Conference Proceeding (ISSN: 0094-243X) indexed by Scopus. Others would be sent to International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences (ISSN:2322-4983).

Speech given by Prof. Ir. Dr. Lee Sze Wei (Vice President, UTAR) in open ceremony.

Talk by Keynote Speaker Prof. Ahmad Zuhairi Abdullah (USM)

Talk by Keynote Speaker Prof. Yusuke Uchiyama (Kobe University, Japan)

Group photo for participants attended the Day-1 programme |