1 | 22nd Febuary 2017 |
Title: Chinese and Western Art
Speaker: Prof. Chen Chuanxi
Venue: LDK2, UTAR, Kampar Campus
2 | 5th April 2017 |
Title: Chinese Novel and Poems
Speaker: Dr. Lee Soo Chee
Venue: A003, UTAR, Kampar Campus
3 | 12th April 2017 | Seminar/Talk
Title: The Distribution and Structure of Chinese Dialect Group in Malaysia
Speaker: Dr. Wang Fubing
Venue: P005, UTAR, Kampar Campus |
4 | 25th April 2017 | Seminar/Talk
Title: Transnational of Buddhist Network in Malaysia
Speaker: Rongdao Lai (Lai Lei Kuan)
Venue: PF067, UTAR, Kampar Campus
5 | 14th June 2017 | Seminar/Talk
Title: Chinese Language Teaching and Learning in the United States: Past, Current and Future Trend
Speaker: Dr. Lew Moi Mooi
Venue: P006, UTAR, Kampar Campus
6 | 5th - 7th July 2017 | Exhibition & Talk
Exhibition Title: Poetry and Calligraphy
Talk Title: Diversity of Poetry: in Translation and Art
Speakers: Mr. Chan Yong Sin and Mr. Ong Chia Koon
Venue: P002, UTAR, Kampar Campus

7 | 13th July 2017 | Seminar/Talk
Title: Science and Buddha Dharma
Speaker: Prof. Ewe Hong Tat
Venue: B102, UTAR, Kampar Campus
8 | 26th July 2017 | Seminar/Talk
Title: Dialects on Chinese Opera Stage
Speaker: Dr. Yen Lip-mo
Venue: P004, UTAR, Kampar Campus |
9 | 2nd August 2017 | Seminar/Talk
Title: Documentary Writing: from ‘I’ to ‘Other’ Writing Experience
Speakers: Ms. Chan Wei See & Ms. Lau Ka Mei
Venue: P007, UTAR, Kampar Campus |
10 | 9th August 2017 | Seminar/Talk
Title: From Poem, Prose to the Nanism Novel: My Writing Experience
Speaker: Mr. Lee Seng Hu (Fang Lu)
Venue: P007, UTAR, Kampar Campus |
11 | 9th August 2017 | Seminar/Talk
Title: Jiguan: The Identity of Malaysian Chinese
Speaker: Dr. Song Yanpeng
Venue: P006, UTAR, Kampar Campus
12 | 14th October 2017 | Seminar/Talk
Title: Poetry and Painting: A Semiotic Way
Speaker: Prof. Lo Ching
Venue: University of Malaya |
13 | 2nd November 2017 | Meeting Exchange
Title: Meeting Exchange with Oral History Association of Macao, China
Speakers: Dr. Wong Wun Bin, Dr. Chou Wen Loong, Dr. Tan Ai Boay, Dr. Lam Fat Iam, Ms. Yan Gui-fang, Mr. William Pang
Venue: PF067, UTAR, Kampar Campus

14 | 16th November 2017 | Seminar/Talk
Title: Teaching Chinese as Second Language in Taiwan and Malaysia
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Mei, Chia-ling
Venue: KB004, UTAR, Sungai Long Campus |
15 | 4th December 2017 | Seminar/Talk
Title: Chinese, Overseas Chinese and Literary Documents: Interaction and Sharing
Speaker: Prof. Shi Xiao Jun
Venue: PF067, UTAR, Kampar Campus |