Centre for Sustainable Development and
Corporate Social Responsibility in Business
Major events
Talk Series Bridge of Entrepreneur To The World 28 January 2016 |
![]() ![]() Belt and Road is an initiative proposed by the President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping that focuses on connectivity and cooperation among countries primarily in Eurasia, which consists of two main components, the land-based "Silk Road Economic Belt" (SREB) and oceangoing "Maritime Silk Road" (MSR). What are the challenges and opportunities for Malaysians with this initiative, especially for the younger generation? The rise of China and the Belt and Road initiative will not only bring huge opportunities for the business world, but it also has a great impact on the younger generation, especially on the future career paths of university graduates. Malaysian Chinese have close ties with the culture, languages and networks in China, and play an important role in the Malaysia-China bilateral ties. Thus, this talk in collaboration with Anbound Malaysia and Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) has invited Ms. Josephine Lee Mei Li, Mr. Danny Ng Theng Wei and practitioner lawyer Mr. Sim Kian Kok to talk about the Belt and Road initiative and how it helps Malaysian businesses and also the younger generation. |
Talk Series Transcending Habitual Consumption: A Hermeneutics Perspective 22 March 2016 |
![]() Dr. Sia shared with the audience on hermeneutic research that she previously collaborated with researchers from Sunway University. The purpose of media mall research is to use qualitative study to uncover the perception of shoppers of their experiences of the mall and their consumption experiences to interpret what a mall means to the consumer. |
Seminar Building Safer Communities 23 March 2016 |
![]() The centre organised a seminar entitled 'Disaster Risk Reduction: Building Safer Communities' by inviting Madam Kausalya Devi Sathoo, the Prisons Department of Malaysia Deputy Commissioner. The seminar focused on the consequences of imprisonment and the rehabilitation programs for inmates. |
Talk Series The Power of a Brand in the Volatile Environment 24 March 2016 |
![]() ![]() ![]() Ms Gladys stressed on the importance of innovation as well as research and development to be a global leader in the coating industry. Due to these factors, Nippon Paint became Malaysia’s No. 1 total coating solutions provider within a short span of 2 years back in the year 2008. She emphasised on the best value creation for customers by coming up with innovative products that caters to the needs of customers. She shared that it is vital role to build a sustainable business and gain corporate citizenship within the local communities to win the hearts of loyal and prospective customers. The session continued with the second presenter, Mr. Jason Ho Assistant General Manager cum Group Human Resource & Corporate Affairs in Nippon Paint Malaysia. He shared on the management associate programme offered by Nippon Paint Malaysia, which is an 18-months business and operational skill development programme. It teaches participants on running a paint business. He encouraged students to apply for this programme for their future career start up. |
Workshop Case Study Workshop 23 May 2016 |
![]() CSDCSR and FAM collaborated to organise a case study to enhance the skills of the academics in writing a case study for teaching and publication purposes. |
Talk Series The Revival of Bicycle as a Green and Sustainable Means of Transport for Neighbourhood Travel 14 June 2016 |
![]() ![]() CSDCSR in collaboration with the Dept of Student Affairs and Green Campus Committee has invited Dato Ir. Foong Choy Chye to give a talk about the usage of bicycle as a means of transport for the future sustainable development. His talk entitled, “The Revival of Bicycle as a Green and Sustainable Means of Transport for Neighbourhood Travel,” Dato’ Ir Foong introduced the development of bicycle from 1817 to present. He has also presented the development and general specifications of the bicycles, as well as the legality and future trend of bicycle usage. He also highlighted the importance of cycling integration in urban mobility due to the impact of climate change and urbanisation. |
Talk Series Researching the Malaysian Consumer: Looking Beyond the Likert Scale 16 June 2016 |
![]() Professor Dr. Tony Wilson, a Visiting Senior Research Fellow, London School of Economics and Political Science (ranked top for Business and Media Research in the national UK 2014 REF research output evaluation) gave a talk entitled, “Researching the Malaysian Consumer: Looking Beyond the Likert Scale”. The event was jointly organised by the Faculty of Accountancy and Management (FAM) and Centre for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSDCSR) in Business. Professor Tony stressed the importance of a hermeneutic perspective on the practice through Embodied, Equipped and Emplacing. With this hermeneutic perspective on the practice, it enables the qualitative research to enhance its validity and reliability. Dr. Tony is actively practicing this skill in his research, where he is currently writing Consumption, Marketing and Practice Theories: A Hermeneutic Perspective for Routledge's Interpretive Marketing Series (earlier books were also published in their Advances in Management and Business and Contemporary South East Asia Series). His manuscripts include Global Advertising, Attitudes and Audience (Routledge), Understanding Media Users (Wiley-Blackwell) and journal articles in Journal in Qualitative Market Research and others. He emphasised on the best value of Embodied, Equipped and Emplacing to align with points of interpretation in defining themes and identity which allows reflection on tacit horizons of understanding in the research. Professor Tony also shared the experience in talking to research participants to have deeper knowledge on how do consumers understand the practice of consuming, which is part of the journey in structuring meaning beyond the Likert scale. |
Talk and Demo Bloomberg 30 June 2016 |
![]() ![]() ![]() Mr. Zachary Lum from Bloomberg Malaysia give a talk and demo on the usage of Bloomberg to the audience. He showed how Bloomberg terminal can be used to help the user to gather data and information on Portfolio Management, Islamic Finance, Fixed Income Instruments, Money Market Instruments, Mutual Funds/Unit Trusts, Real Estate and Properties, Merger and Acquisition. Additionally, the demo also included risk solution tools and corporate governance measures: market risk, regulatory compliance updates and news, credit or counter-party risk, corporate governance report and ESG-environmental, social and governance measure. |
Workshop Research Workshop 2 and 5 September 2016 |
![]() A two-day comprehensive research workshop was held at Sungai Long Campus on 2nd and 5th September 2016. The workshop aimed at improving academics’ research and publication skills. Prof Dr. T Ramayah was invited to talk to academics on the topic of publishing. Additionally in the workshop Dr. Falahat, Dr. Hen Kai Wah, Dr. Sia Bee Chuan, Dr. Ummu, Dr. Aye Aye, Dr. Chong Shyue Chuan, Dr. Law Kian Aun & Mr. Sia Bik Kai shared their knowledge with regards to research and publication. |
Talk Series FinTech: The New Wave of Financial innovation 18th October 2016 |
![]() Dr. Lim shared his knowledge on the awareness of FinTech which integrate the mobile technology, artificial intelligence, algorithm and big data in business world, aims to provide cheaper, better, faster and more efficient business solutions, products and services to a wide range of customers, deviate from the traditional ways in running businesses among all conventional banks and other business entities. |
Talk Financial Planning and Risk Management Seminar 26 October 2016 |
![]() The purpose of the talk is to deliver the awareness and importance of financial planning process as well as the risk management tools and techniques for all stakeholders and business entities, recognizing the financial and operational risk faced by Malaysian businesses in the current fast-changing, unpredictable global business environment. Additionally, it is also to recognize the current bankruptcy trends, forces, techniques and strategies used to mitigate various types of risk for individual and for business sustainability by large. Ms. Chung shared that financial planning views is a long term sustainable strategy for each individual, aimed to secure a safe and sound financial future, considering all the aspects of personal financial situation and risk tolerance levels. Ms. Janice Lee, from AKPK (Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit, BNM or Counselling Agency and Credit Management, Central Bank of Malaysia), on the other hand, shared with the audience on the importance of savings and cash flow management; insurance protection and planning for uncertainties. |
Talk Sustainability of the Talent Demand and Supply 14 November 2016 |
![]() ![]() The centre invited Mr.Kiranjit Singh, Country Head of Ipsos Business Consulting (Malaysia and Singapore) to give a talk to the staff and students on the demand and supply outlook, acknowledge the future challenges and getting valuable advice when embarking in the dynamic Malaysian employment markets. |
Talk The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Databases Sharing 22 November 2016 |
![]() The centre invited Ms. Lan Nguyen is mainly in charge of the EIU (The Economist Intelligence Unit) database subscription in ASEAN and Hong Kong. She has been working with many institutions and clients across the region, for instance NTU, NUS, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and etc. She shared the EIU (The Economist Intelligence Unit) databases which covers a large pool of countries’ analytical reports on political and economic analysis (including China) that linked with the countrywide/worldwide macroeconomic indicators, databases and industries performances on specific country, as well as the risks assessment reports of that particular country ranging from 1997 till a wide forecast up to 2050. EIU provides analytical database of worldwide macroeconomic indicators for 201 countries with up to 320 series per country. Country Report provides political, economic and industry analysis and forecasts for 197 countries which may benefit the future investors in embarking foreign trade opportunities and establishing business partnership in other regions, excluding the property sector. The Economist Intelligence Unit’s flagship report examines and explains the important political and economic trends and developments in each country. |