Internal Funding Report
UTAR Research Fund (UTARRF) is an internal research grant scheme designed to provide seed funding to support UTAR researchers and students in implementing research projects and research related activities.
UTARRF was established since 2005 with an initial amount of RM1 million allocated per annum. The allocation is intended to serve as seed fund to kick-start implementation of projects with good potential. This amount was subsequently increased to RM3 million in year 2010.
In years 2011 till 2014, the University management further increased the annual allocation for UTARRF to RM5 million, subsequently to RM6.25 million for 2015, RM6 million for 2016 and RM5 million for 2017. It enables additional and larger scale projects to be initiated as well as boost research & development activities geared towards realizing the goal to transform UTAR into a research intensive university.
As of 31 December 2017, the accumulated UTARRF amount allocated is RM45.25 million (Figure 1).
The University, guided by stringent and careful grant approval procedures, had initially approved a funding amount of RM516,500.00 in 2006. The amount continued to register growth in the years following with a total of RM6.53 million awarded in 2017.
As of 31 December 2017, the accumulated UTARRF amount awarded is RM49.81 million (Figure 2).

- Malaysian Finance Association Conference (MFA) 2017
- Blossom Art Festival Malaysia 2017
- Stair Climbing Campaign 2.0
- Business Connection
- 3rd Applied Financial Modeling Conference 2017 with the theme "The Importance of Commodity Markers in Financial and Macroeconomic Stability"
- HPV Infections and Cervical Cancer Awareness Seminar
- Cancer Research Conference 2017: Holistic Treatment in Cancer
- Inaugural Symposium on Railway Infrastructure and Engineering
- Hands-on R and RHadoop Workshop
- 6th Malaysian Symposium of Biomedical Science Approval
- 2nd International Symposium on Green & Sustainable Technology 2017 (ISGST 2017)
- Agriculture Workshop II with the theme “Turning Agro-Aquaculture Waste to Value”
- UTAR Open Talk entitled "Impact of dietary cholesterol, fats and white rice on health: An Update"
- A Collaborative Project between ICs & Mencius Institute on Chinese Calligraphy and Wood Craving
- UTAR & Tunghai University “Urban Heritage Workshop & Joint Studio”
- Trends of Chinese Malaysian Population
- A matter of concern?
- A Probiotics Pioneer talk
- eBAM-UTAR eCommerce Training & Seminar for SMEs (and Students)
- 4th International Conference on Civil and environmental engineering for sustainability
- Cancer Awareness, Talks and Exhibitions: “Hope is Beautiful, Let's stand up to Cancer”
- International conference on Energy Technology and Environmental Science (ETES 2018)
- Voice of Your Heart- Mental Health Awareness Exhibition
- 2017 Tin Mining Festival Conference on the Retrospect and Prospect of Tin mining Industry in Malaysia
- Teochew Puppetry and Opera Workshop
- nternational Symposium on Belt and Road Initiative and SME (BRISME2018)
- International Conference on the Sinophone and Writing Southeast Asia
- Malaysian Culture & Architecture Heritage Study Tour 2017
- International Seminar on Islam, Confucianism and the Moderate Path of Civilization
- Modernising Construction Industry
- Unlocking your BIM Potential
- Seminar on Internal-External Quality Assurance IV (SieQA IV) 2017
- UTAR MicroRNA Workshop 2017
- Limb joints’ Correction Training
- TCM's Training Course for the Classical Prescription and Manipulation
- A Collaborative Project between ICS & Mencius Institute on Chinese Caligraphy and Wood Carving Workshop
- Belt and Road Initiative Seminar