Recipient of literary publication fund
A total of RM4,000 worth of publication fund was awarded to UTAR Institute of Chinese Studies Head of Modern Chinese Literature Studies Unit Dr Lee Soo Chee by the Guangxi Association of Malaysia Literary Publication Fund (马来西亚广西会馆文学出版基金) recently.
Dr Lee’s book, titled “Flowers Come into Blossom: Essays on Sinophone Malaysian Literature (《花开成塔——马来西亚华语语系文学论述》)”, researched on the Malaysian Chinese (Mahua) Literature’s poetries, proses, novels, short stories, literary views and comments, and literary publications.
The research also focused on 15 Mahua literature authors, including Lu Yutao, Wen Renping, Du Yunxie, Li Zishu, Fu Chengde, Ye Beisi, Chen Cuimei, Wu Xinlin, Liu Yulong, Zhang Yiping, Wang Runhua, Zhong Yiwen, Gong Wanhui, Bing Gu and Chen Chuanxing, and “Jiao Feng (《蕉风》)”, which is a prominent literary publication of Mahua Literature.
Dr Lee was introduced to the publication fund by renowned Mahua Literature author Bing Gu (冰谷) who encouraged him to collect his research works on Mahua Literature in the recent years. The collected work would be then forwarded to the Guangxi Association of Malaysia Literary Publication Fund for their consideration in awarding the fund.