Awards & Events
R&D Colloquium 2017 (2.0)
The Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research (IPSR) staged another comeback of Research and Development (R&D) Colloquium on 2 December 2017 at Sungai Long Campus.
As the colloquium set its return, it continued to provide a platform for all the researchers from 30 UTAR research centres to present, interact and collaborate their research work. It saw some 130 participants comprising local and foreign researchers from UTAR research centres, lecturers, staff and postgraduate students.
Align with the colloquium’s theme ‘From Digitalisation of Education to Sustainable Cities’, the R&D Colloquium 2017 (2.0) also aimed to enable the researchers to update on their research outcomes, provide regular networking among the researchers as well as to promote cross-disciplined research collaboration.
Speaking at the opening, UTAR Vice President for R&D and Commercialisation Prof Ir Dr Lee Sze Wei emphasised on the importance of the colloquium to congregate researchers from multiple fields to share thoughts and explore better research opportunities. He said, “It is necessary to discover new ideas to conduct projects that address the real-life issues. Researchers should also keep their research ideas relevant to the actual problems that are important to the society, and collaborate with experts from other disciplines as well as the industry players to seek better solutions.”