R&D Colloquium 2017 (1.0)
Following the success of the past six R&D Colloquiums held since May 2014, the Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research (IPSR) once again successfully organised its seventh R&D Colloquium at Kampar Campus on 22 July 2017.
Some 130 local and foreign researchers joined and came together during the university’s biannual colloquium on research and development. The UTAR R&D Colloquium (1.0) 2017 brought research participants together to present and share their research efforts in multiple fields of studies.
Themed ‘Global Challenges towards 2050’, the one-day conference continued to strengthen and nurture regular communication between researchers from the 28 research centres in UTAR through establishing research collaborations and reinforcing cross disciplinary research. It also served as a platform for a continuous update on research outcomes to the research centres, faculties, IPSR, and the Vice President’s office for R&D and Commercialisation.
A total of 13 presentations on various topics including developments in the education system, cyber security, data privacy, wastewater treatment, fourth industrial revolution, virtual reality learning, smartphone addiction and the impacts of education in the fourth industrial revolution, were delivered.